Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is the best comic book movie?

A simple question without a simple answer. Everyone has their favorite comic book character and/or movie but that must be overlooked in this situation. Some of the things to consider instead are story, character development, faithfulness to source material among other things. Special effects, today, must also play a big part. Heroes usually have amazing superpowers and these powers can't look fake or cheesy. But what separates good comic book movies from bad comic book movies is that the good one incorporate all of the above. But deciding the best comic book movie is not an easy choice, and thus some guidelines must made.

First, if a movie is part of a trilogy or series, only the best of the bunch will be considered. Second, special effects will be judged by those comparable to other films of the era. Third, no animated movie will be judged. The movies I will be judging will be 300, Batman Begins, Blade, Fantastic Four 2, I am Legend, Sin City, Spider-Man 2, Superman Returns, V for Vendetta, and X-Men 2. Films that had potential but something went wrong: Daredevil, Hellboy, Hulk, and both Punisher movies. 30 Days of Night, Elektra, and Ghost Rider won't be included simply because I have yet to see them. Ghost World? Please don't waste my time.

I'll start with where the movies that didn't make it into consideration got it wrong.

Daredevil: God, where to start. The casting was horrible all-around. Ben Affleck could almost pass for a believable Daredevil if only he could act. Jennifer Garner had no business playing Elektra. Colin Ferrell hammed it up as Bullseye. Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin? This makes no sense, the comic Kingpin was white not black. Sometimes it doesn't matter, but this call just felt wrong. The fights equal shit. Needs to be remade with all-new cast and director.

Hellboy: Good casting. (Especially Ron Perlman as Hellboy and Selma Blair as Liz Sherman). But slow pace, less than stellar acting, do you even remember the plot?

Hulk: In the comics, "Hulk Smash". "Hulk in Emotional Distress" equals movie killer. Hulk vs... some dogs? Don't get me started. Waste of Jennifer Connelly.

Punisher: First one was kinda cheesy (but in it's defense, it came out in the late '80s when comic book movies weren't taken serious). Waste of Dolph Lundgen, if such a phrase exists. Second movie: Thomas Jane's Punisher was kinda soft. Also John Travolta hammed it up as the villain. This really upset me because I always felt like the Punisher would be the easiest comic character to translate into a movie character. He doesn't have any powers, no Bat-cave, and doesn't fight super villains, but rather gangsters so what the Hell? Waste of Rebecca Romijn.

Next up; movies 10 thru 6.

1 comment:

The Shmecko said...

Several things. First "I Am Legend" is based off a book, not a comic. Ghost Rider has no reason to even be considered, even if you haven't seen it. You haven't seen it so you are ahead of the curve. No need to see that movie at all. 30 Days Of Night, SUPERB. Follows the storyline to the "T". Also, will you take into account that 300 was based off of a comic but also that it was based off of actual history even though it is slightly exagerated. How will that play into the equation. If at all. More questions and ideas to come. I completely agree with the movies not even considered due to their crapability. I liked Hellboy, but you are right, slow.