Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pope Declares War On The Jews

Conversation a friend and I had on the way to work.

Leo: The Pope's a Nazi. I was trying to prove to people at work yesterday that the Pope, used to be a Nazi.

Me: They didn't believe you?

Leo: No. I even showed them proof that he was in the Nazi Army and was a member of the Hitler Youth Program. Yeah, maybe he went AWOL from the Nazi Army and was captured by the Allies and was a POW for the rest of the war. Maybe, the Hitler Youth Program was mandatory. But in my book, he wore the uniform and was in the Nazi Army.

Me: I think I see where you're going with this.

Leo: Yeah. He was a Nazi.

Me: So, he was a Nazi and then became Pope, does this mean all Catholics hate Jews. I think so. But then, everybody hates Jews. There is only one thing people hate almost as much as a Jew and that is a Polish person.

Leo: Ahh. Does that mean I suck almost as much as a Jew?

Me: Yeah, people hate you. But at least you can look down on the Jews. Poles are a step above the Jews, so you got that going for you. There is only one thing worse than a Pole or a Jew and that is a Polish Jew. That is one thing I would never want to be, especially during WWII. Even now, what could people hate worse.

Leo: You know, I have never seen or met a Polish Jew.

Me: Yeah, you can thank Hitler for that...............and the Pope.

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