Thursday, February 7, 2008

Presidential Forecasts: I See Rain.....And Lots Of It!!

So with the upcoming elections, I foresee several different scenarios. Any of these are possible, any of these could actually happen. Between you and me, they probably will.

In the Democrat race, we find Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, seemingly neck and neck. It could be anyone's race. There is no way to tell. However, only one of them could make it to the big house.

If Hillary makes it to the Presidency, I see several things happening. First of all, everyone that voted for her which if she wins will be the majority of the country, they will all be viewed as racist woman lovers. I love women, however I am not a racist. They will be viewed as such, because of the fact that they didn't vote for the colored person and instead voted for a woman. Whatever!

When/If Hillary becomes President, I see her appointing who as her Vice President? That's right, none other than her husband, Bill Clinton. Once he is appointed as her VP, she will step down as President and he being the VP will then be sworn into office and we will have another 4 glorious years under Bubba. Remember that it says, a person can only be voted into the Presidency two times. However, he will not have been voted in and therefore can remain President. Once he is sworn in, he will then appoint his new VP and that will be none other than Hillary herself, so that she can run the country from the background. Just like in the old days.

There is another possible scenario that closely follows the above. After appointing Bill as her VP, Hillary maybe realizes the country can't go through what it did before, she decides to not step down. When he realizes that he is in fact not going to be President again, Bill decides to take drastic measures..........and has her assassinated. Once she is assassinated, Bill then is sworn into office and we have four more glorious years under Bubba.

Now suppose Barack Obama is voted into the Presidency. All those people that voted for Hillary will say that those who voted for Barack are a bunch of women haters. They are the oppressors of women's rights all over the world, even though this is an American Election. But hey, who cares? If you vote for the man, you hate the woman. Right?

Once sworn into office, there will be several changes taking place. First of all, our National Debt will become greater, because in an unexpected move, Barack has decided to pay reparations to all African-Americans living in America or abroad. Including himself and since he is the President, he gets a bigger cut. Even though, all the generations alive today had nothing ever to do with slavery, it's still our fault. So after the big payout, slavery will be legal by law again. White slavery that is. Now it will be our turn to know how the whip feels and learn our new names.

The 3rd candidate for Democrats, Mike Gravel, I don't even want to get into anything real big. He's gonna kick the bucket two days into his term, even if he were to win.

Now that I've covered enough of the Democrats, it's time to take a swing at the Republicans.

Let's see, where to start. Ah, Mike Huckabee. This one is easy. First let's look at a little background. Born and raised in the South, Governor of a Southern state for numerous years. Does no one see where this is going? Well, after being sworn into office, Huckabee will also expect reparations to be made and paid. Reparations from African-Americans to the white people. This is being paid for white people having to deal with the whole reparations for slavery even though no African-American has even been affected by slavery in this country in this generation let alone century. After the reparations are paid, slavery will be legal again. Once again, whites will own blacks who will then pick the cotton.

Ah, John McCain. Decorated War Veteran, well known politician. Where can you go wrong? Several places. When he was younger, supposedly McCain had a quick temper and a drive to compete. So what, you say. Everyone has a temper now and again. Who doesn't want to compete? True enough, however. When we were younger, we didn't have the full might of one of the strongest nations in the world on our side. So, I foresee......war, and lots of it. If he doesn't get his way, he'll throw a fit and fight them. Next, coming from his religious background, in accordance with the schools he attended. All persons who are American will be required to go to a 20-30 minute chapel service 3 times a week. There will be a church service on Sundays that is not included in the previous requirement. Twice a month there is also a mandatory vespers service at night. The Friday chapel service will be President led. People of all religions are expected to attend. Though, this program will be more affiliated with the Episcopal Diocese, all are expected to attend. Remember, he has the military to make sure you go. Roll Call will be taken. Beware!!

How about that Ron Paul? Hearing his name makes me think of a gay clothing designer. Or maybe a washed up druggy ex-record store employee. He is in the same boat as Mike Gravel. He's gonna kick the bucket two days into his term.

Mitt Romney, doesn't seem like a bad candidate either. Oh oh oh, you have no idea. Under the control of Romney and his Mormon brethren, this country will turn into a country where you wonder if there is a normal person in the White House, or a Jew. It's a Mormon I tell you. After taking over the country new plans will be put in place to, how to say this correctly, remove (exterminate) all non Mormons. With extermination camps and work camps, America will become the new Heaven of the Mormons. No Non Mormons except for those kept around to work and serve. Also, it will become common practice for people to drink the blood of babies, just like the Jews. Except they won't be taking our money. They'll be taking our lives and freedom.

I believe the best candidate would have been Rudy Giuliani, unfortunately for us, he removed himself from the race. Rudy Giuliani, i think its about time we had a mafia backed president. That's all I have to say about that.

So whether you agree with anything I have said here or not, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you think about who you are planning on voting for, because their plans for the Presidency might be a little different than what you expect them to do.

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