Sunday, February 17, 2008

Play Ball

Professional baseball has come under a lot a pressure lately due to the steroid issue. But I think that the problem isn't that so many players are doing "roids", but not enough players are. Really if the best hitters are hitting a suspicious number of home runs off of the best pitchers and both parties are jacked up on steroids, then fuck it. What's that old saying: "Records are meant to be broken"? But also lets not forget a critical fact; doing steroids and/or HGH does not automatically make you better at ANYTHING. You still gotta swing the bat, so to speak. Still gotta throw strikes. Look at all the bums who do or have done steroids. My solution to this problem is to simply mandate that all players HAVE to use "roids". Its the only way to go back to a somewhat level playing field. Then no record would be debated. There would be no need to asterisk anything.

1 comment:

The Shmecko said...

I agree 100%. Fucking pussies can't handle it, get the fuck out.