Monday, December 31, 2007

Maximizing your Ticket Value

Have you ever gone to a game and said, "man these seats suck?" Well, I have a solution for you - just follow my simple little plan.

1. You actually need a ticket to get through the door. Well, you don't, but for this we'll just assume you can get in the stadium.

2. Drink a little. Don't get stupid, just drink enough to get your courage up.

3. Find your way underneath the bleacher seats. It should be accessible, poorly roped off, and devoid of all people. It's real easy to find especially if you can get yourself to the service levels of the stadium.

4. Walk around under the seats until you find something like this...

5. You now have 2 options. You can either wait for a big moment in the game and sneak out there or you can make it obvious you're coming out, but for a good reason (find a TV/Radio wire and act like you're laying it out). Either way, when you initially get on the field you need to LOOK TOO BUSY TO FUCK WITH. A fake phone call worked wonders for me.

6. Walk behind all of the security that is watching the stands, and find your spot. I recommend this one:

7. Stay out of everyone's way and don't talk to ANYONE. Just look like you belong and act like you've been there before. If someone does ask who you work with, just say "AP" and give him the impression you're an asshole he wouldn't want to talk to. He'll leave you alone. I lasted the entire first half.

8. If you get caught, do not bitch, just walk away. I got off the field without giving any shit and I went to the seats to finish the game.

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