Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I know that when you think of Christmas you are supposed to think of presents, snow, family gatherings and fun times. Lately though, whenever I think of Christmas, I am thinking of all the poor children who are being sent mixed signals.

For 364 days out of the year, children are told to never accept candy or toys from strangers. It makes sense. However, for one day out of the year, parents tell their children that it is okay for a fat jolly old man to sneak into their house and give them presents. The children have to be asleep though? Is that a good thing? When I think of this fat jolly man sneaking around in the night leaving stuff for children, what exactly happens in the middle of the night to all these sleeping people. I mean, any other time of the year, if someone sneaks into your house, you call the cops and they put 10 pounds of lead into that person. But, not this night. Now you are probably saying, "Oh, but he leaves stuff. He doesn't take anything." Really? He's not taking anything, except our childrens innocence.

It's not just the kids who are in danger either. Who knows what foul things this man is doing to you while you are sleeping. I'm not worried about you though, you are an adult and you brought this on yourself by allowing this foul creature into your house. No one actually knows what this man looks like. It could be anyone, there could be 20 different "Santas" that visit your house that night to leave "presents", and by presents I don't mean toys.

Does no one else see the danger of this? What if someday during the year a fat man comes up to your kid and says, "Hi Timmy, I forgot to give you this toy for Christmas. You probably wouldn't recognize me right now, I have a disguise on. I am Santa and this van over here with no windows, is actually my sleigh." Hello, does no one see this happening? Am I the only one.


Presto said...

I actually think these thoughts all the time. Christmas should be abolished. For the sake of our children!

joswa said...

Tradition doesn't take common since into consideration. That fat man probably needs more help then what he is dishing out.

bethiepoos said...

I have always been weary of santa... and barney!